Take control of your digital channels

Shape Obstacles into Opportunities with Vorys eControl

In a world where eCommerce dynamics shift rapidly, a traditional and laissez-faire product distribution and sales approach is unsustainable, leaving you vulnerable. The advent of modern online marketplaces—spearheaded by giants like Amazon and Walmart—has introduced a complex, challenging landscape that directly impacts your brand’s growth and reputation across all channels.

Since 2014, Vorys eControl has been at the forefront in tackling these challenges and unlocking growth potential for our brand clients through our proven eControl programs across online and offline sales channels. We help transform digital channel risks into opportunities for measurable growth and brand value enhancements with our custom solutions.

Stop swimming upstream

Your Business Goals Are Our Top Priority

Hyperconnected online marketplaces changed the game. Vorys eControl works with clients to craft tailored eControl programs, helping protect your business from bad actors and ignite channel growth in today’s market.

eCommerce Leaders

Enable profitable growth across digital channels

Sales Leaders

Protect long-term customer relationships and optimize performance

In-House Legal Counsel

Protect brand integrity and drive revenue

Brand Leaders

Enhance brand equity and win In category